Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Friday, March 31, 2006

Allan's Organ

You may recall the organ I wrote about last week that we saw at the Macedonia in Lancefield and Allan was quite smitten by. Well the days passed and I was wondering if he was still thinking about it and considering buying it. I tried to give him a gentle prompt by the following Wednesday. Remember I didn’t want to be too pushy, and he hadn’t discussed the topic on the Saturday whilst he had been installing my garden lights. Anyway he sent me a depressingly negative email about how the piano stool we’d seen didn’t come as a package with the organ and would have to be bought separately, how the cost to ship it down to Melbourne was looking exorbitant, how he was worried that it might be too heavy for his floorboards, how his dog had died and his woman had done left him with four hungry children and a crop in the fields….

So I thought, OK; time and distance have cooled him off. So after a bit of email to-ing and fro-ing I suggested that we might take a trip up to Lancefield the following (last) Saturday and pay it a visit, just in case seeing it again might tweak his heartstrings. And he told me there was no need to visit it as it already had a sold sticker on it. With his name on it! Ratbag!!!


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